Private Puppy and Adult Dog Training Lessons in New York

Our puppy and adult dog lessons include hands-on training with you and your pet to tackle unique challenges that you’re facing at home or in public. We not only take time to teach your pet how to obey in specific situations, but we educate you about your dog’s unique behavior and how to continue the training at home. Lessons are customized and developed for every dog, ages 8-weeks and up.

belgian malinois and rottweiler common canine pet evaluation

pet evaluation

Private sessions require an in-person, 30-minute evaluation with you and your dog. This initial meet-and-greet allows us to observe your dog’s behavior, discuss your goals for them and briefly work with your dog so that we can recommend the best package for both of your needs. After the evaluation, you may purchase individual or packaged lessons.

$50 for one, 30-minute evaluation.


Single lesson

During each individual lesson, we will teach your dog custom obedience fundamentals and guide you as a handler in continuing your pet’s training. Whether you want to work on loose leash walking, crate training, reactivity, or sports, your trainer will customize each session to meet your needs. We will end the session with homework that you can complete on your own until your next lesson.

One-hour lessons: $150/session

doodle dog training lessons package common canine new york

Lessons package

If 5 or more lessons are recommended during your evaluation, we will offer you a 5-lesson training package. A group of lessons is perfect for you if you’re a committed handler, ready to improve your pet’s obedience or practice a working dog sport. 

Package of 5, One-hour lessons: $700/5-lesson package.

**The 5-lesson package is non-refundable and expires after 6 months.



Visit our puppy programs page to learn about lessons tailored for young dogs, ages 8-weeks to 4 months.